• Hem

View and Download Media Files

What can I do with the videos and photos on the monitored device?

View Pictures

View all the pictures including photos, screenshots, and pictures from any apps saved on the monitored device.

View Videos

View all the videos including clips, films, and screencasts saved on the monitored device.

Download Photos

Photos from the target device are displayed in the dashboard as thumbnails, but you can also download the original files.

Download Videos

You can download any video from the targeted device and play it your own.

OS som stöds:  Android & iOS

How can I view and download videos and photos from the monitored phone?

  1. 1
    Register an account on mSpy.com eller i mSpy-appen (tillgänglig på både App Store och Play Store). När kontot har skapats kan det användas både på skrivbordet och i apparna.
mspy-registrering steg 1
  1. 2
    Ange måltelefon- eller enhetsinformation efter att ha loggat in på kontot och slutför installationsprocessen för mSpy Wizard. Proceduren är ganska enkel. Om målenheten är en iPhone eller annan iOS-enhet kan du få mer information om hur man övervakar iPhone tutorial. If the target device is an android phone or tablet, please follow the steps on the how to track android phones handledningssida.
mspy-registrering steg 2
  1. 3
    On the left side menu you can choose the target device, and then click the Videos & Photos option. The detailed content is displayed on the right side of the Control Panel.
  1. 4
    Click the refreshing icon on the top left of the dashboard to sync the latest videos and photos saved on the monitored phone.

Tips: it is not necessary to install any apps on your own phone. Whenever you would like to view and download the media files on the monitored device, just sign into the mSpy account at mSpy.com on any of your devices including phones, tablets or computers as long as they are connected to the internet. However, if you prefer to use our service with app rather than browser, you may download the mSpy app Google Play or App Store.

Read more about mSpy’s other features.

Påminnelser: Alla appar eller verktyg som introduceras i den här artikeln ska endast vara för laglig användning. Vänligen följ villkoren och användningen och slutanvändarlicensavtalet (EULA) innan du provar någon av dem. Eventuella konsekvenser av felaktig användning bör bäras av användarna.
