Monitor Browser History

What can I do with the browser history and bookmarks from the target device?

View Browser History

Keep track of what the target device being used to read or watch online.

View Bookmarks

View all the saved bookmarks from the device's web browser.

OS som stöds:  Android & iOS

How to monitor browser history and bookmarks?

  1. 1
    Skapa ett konto på Smarttelefonanvändare kan också registrera sig i mSpy-appen (tillgänglig på både App Store och Play Store). Konto-ID kan loggas på både webbplatsen och appar.
mspy-registrering steg 1
  1. 2
    After the registration, there is a setup process to go through. It's pretty simple, but it is still necessary to make some settings on the target device, especially the android device. Anyway, If you are planning to monitor an iPhone or any other iOS device, you may get more details on the hur man övervakar iPhone tutorial page. And you may also follow the steps on the how to monitor android phone tutorial page to start tracking an android phone.
mspy-registrering steg 2
  1. 3
    To view the detailed browser history data, click the browser history option listed on the left side of mSpy Dashboard. Detailed content is displayed on the right side of the control panel.
  1. 4
    Click the refreshing icon on the top left of the dashboard to sync the latest monitored browsing data.

Tips: it is not necessary to install any apps on your own phone. Whenever you would like to check the internet activities on the monitored device, just sign into the mSpy account at on any of your devices including phones, tablets or computers as long as they are connected to the internet. However, if you prefer to use our service with app rather than browser, you may download the mSpy app from Google Play or App Store.

Read more about mSpy’s other features

Påminnelser: Alla appar eller verktyg som introduceras i den här artikeln ska endast vara för laglig användning. Vänligen följ villkoren och användningen och slutanvändarlicensavtalet (EULA) innan du provar någon av dem. Eventuella konsekvenser av felaktig användning bör bäras av användarna.
