How to Spy iPhone

A step by step guide to spying an iPhone or iPad.

Eller lär dig how to spy an android device alternativt.

mSpy helps you watch over your kids and protect them from pornography, online predators, cyberbullying, and other threats. It is also useful for business owners to monitor their employees in work place, or track their activities in the field. You will be able to spy on iOS devices and store call logs, messages, social activities and more.

What Do You Need to Start Spying on iPhone

Ett premiumkonto

Gain access to all advanced features.

Access to the Target iPhone

No need to install any app but authorized access is required.

iCloud Account on the Target iPhone

Including both the iCloud account ID and password.

Kontrollpanelens app

Optional if you prefer to view monitored data using an app.

How to Spy iPhone or Other iOS Devices

  1. 1
    Skapa ett mSpy-konto and get a premium subscription. You will need the account to access control panel. It's best to use an authentic email address so as to get necessary keyword alerts and other important info to spy iPhone.
mspy-registrering steg 1
  1. 2
    Complete a simple setup process to spy iPhone. Right after registration there is a Setup Wizard to go through. Fill in the target person's name and age, and choose the OS running on the target device. In this case select "iOS". On the next page put in the iCloud ID and password signed on target iPhone and click verify. Make sure that the iCloud backup and syncing service is activated on the target device. if not, please visit to learn how to setup iCloud backup on an iPhone.
mspy-registrering steg 2
  1. 3
    Access to control panel and view data from the monitored device. After the setup process (and the iCloud ID is successfully verified), you will enter the conrol panel, and the data from the target iPhone will be synced within several seconds or minutes. Everytime you log into the account, the lastest data will be pushed. Of course, it should be mentioned that if the target phone is powered off or disconnected to internet, the monitored data will not be updated in this case.

Read More: What Data You Can Spy iPhone with mSpy

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