Track Installed Apps

What can I do with the apps installed on the monitored device?

Ver aplicativos instalados

mSpy lists the names and installation dates of all of the apps on the target device.

View and Download Photos from Apps

If there are media files, like photos, saved using apps then you will be able to download them.

SO suportado:  Android & iOS

How can I track Apps on the target phone?

  1. 1
    Create an account on Smart phone users can also register within the mSpy app (available on both App store and Play Store). The account ID can be logged on both the site and apps.
etapa de inscrição mspy 1
  1. 2
    Insira as informações do telefone ou dispositivo de destino após fazer login na conta e concluir o processo de configuração do Assistente mSpy. O procedimento é bastante simples. Se o dispositivo de destino for um iPhone ou outro dispositivo iOS, você poderá obter mais detalhes no como monitorar o iPhone tutorial page. If the target device is an android phone or tablet, please follow the steps on the how to monitor android página do tutorial.
passo 2 de inscrição mspy
  1. 3
    On the left side menu you can choose the target device, and then click the Installed Application tab. The detailed content including the app icons and names is displayed on the right side of the Control Panel.
  1. 4
    Click the refreshing icon on the top left of the dashboard to sync the latest apps installed on the monitored phone.

Tips: it is not necessary to install any apps on your own phone. Whenever you would like to track installed apps, just sign into the mSpy account at on any of your devices including phones, tablets or computers as long as they are connected to the internet. However, if you prefer to use our service with app rather than browser, you may download the mSpy app from Google Play or App Store.

Read about mSpy's other features.

Lembretes: Todos os aplicativos ou ferramentas apresentados neste artigo devem ser apenas para uso legal. Siga os Termos e Uso e o Contrato de Licença de Usuário Final (EULA) antes de tentar qualquer um deles. Quaisquer consequências do uso indevido devem ser suportadas pelos usuários.

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