Monitor Calendar Activities & Events

What can I do with calendar activities & events on a target device?

View the Content of Calendar Activities

Follow the calendars of your target devices. This is especially useful for keeping track of employees work schedules.

View the location of Scheduled Events

When the user of the target device schedules an event, you will be able to see where that event is going to happen.

Système d'Exploitation pris en charge:  Android & iOS

How can I track Calendar Activities and Events on the monitored device?

  1. 1
    Enregistrez un compte sur ou dans l'application mSpy (disponible sur App Store et Play Store). Une fois le compte créé, il peut être utilisé à la fois sur le bureau et dans les applications.
étape 1 de l'inscription à mspy
  1. 2
    Enter the target phone or device information after logging into the account and complete the mSpy Wizard setup process. The procedure is pretty simple. Please note that currently this feature only works on iOS devices. To learn more details, please read the comment surveiller l'iPhone page de tutoriel.
étape 2 de l'inscription à mspy
  1. 3
    Once the setup process is completed, and the mSpy account is logged in, click the Calendar option on the left side of the dashboard. The detailed content the event names, created time and location is displayed on the right side of the Control Panel.
Tableau de bord mSpy
  1. 4
    Click the refresh button to update the events created on the monitored device.

Tips: it is not necessary to install any apps on your own phone. Whenever you would like to monitor calendar activities and events on the monitored device, just sign into the mSpy account at on any of your devices including phones, tablets or computers as long as they are connected to the internet. However, if you prefer to use our service with app rather than browser, you may download the mSpy app from Google Play or App Store.

Découvrez les autres fonctionnalités de mSpy.

Rappels : Toutes les applications ou tous les outils présentés dans cet article doivent être réservés à un usage légal. Veuillez suivre les conditions d'utilisation et le contrat de licence utilisateur final (EULA) avant d'essayer l'un d'entre eux. Toute conséquence d'une mauvaise utilisation doit être supportée par les utilisateurs.

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