
Flokkaskjalasafn fyrir "Browsing History"

Hvernig á að rekja sögu heimsókna vefsvæða á tölvu

The browser is an integral part of searching out things, but browser interruption is “Affected by the worms and malware”. It plays a vital role in everybody’s life. If anybody faces any problem firstly, they search the solution on the internet via a web browser. All your recent searches are saved in the web browser […]

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Hvernig á að rekja netsögu í farsíma

Do you ever find yourself wondering about what others might be searching on the web? In this article, learn how to track internet history on a cell phone. Want to keep track of which your children visit websites? Want to know why your spouse is spending hours on the web? Do you want to ensure that your […]

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Hvernig á að fylgjast með vafrasögu á leynilegan hátt

In today’s world, the best way to know someone is by tracking their web activity. This lets us know if they are going through a tough time or being influenced by anything. No matter what the reason is, you can choose to learn how to track browsing history secretly. By taking the assistance of some reliable […]

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Hvernig á að athuga persónulega vafraferil á Android

As its name indicates, private browsing is a feature available in some web browsers to limit the accessibility of the browsing history. This enables the user to use the browser without worrying about the history records. Quick Navigation Uses of Private BrowsingHow to check browsing historyHow to check private browsing history on AndroidConclusion Uses of […]

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Hvernig á að athuga persónulega vafraferil á iPhone

These days, browsers are coming up with different ways to protect the privacy of their users. For instance, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc., has a feature of private browsing (incognito), allowing their users to browse without leaving any trace. It can also become a little tedious to learn how to check private browsing history on iPhone. […]

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How to Check Browser History on Different Web Browsers

If you want to know about an individual, then you should check their browser history. It can give you in-depth knowledge about your friends and family without letting them know. If you also wish to learn how to check browser history on someone else’s device, then you have come to the right place. In this […]

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Hvernig á að athuga vafraferil í mismunandi vöfrum

There are times when you would want to check your browser history, perhaps to delete the history or to keep tabs on the history for tracking or any other reason you might have. Checking your browser history will depend on the browser you are using and the device meaning that it tends to vary. That […]

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Best Browser History Spy Software

The internet is a window open to the world where with a single ‘click’ you can get a lot of information in a matter of seconds. It is an ocean liner that cruises at cruising speed where opportunities abound but where the dangers and threats are not lacking. Ignorance or a simple mistake can lead […]

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The Best Internet History Tracker for Android and iPhone

Our internet history can reveal a lot about us. From what we search to the kind of websites we access, it can provide so much information about us and our psychology. This is one of the main reasons parents use an internet history tracker to know about their kids’ browsing history. Also, many concerned individuals […]

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Besti vafrasögunjósnari fyrir farsímanotendur

With so many tools out there that claim to be the best spying app, it can be a little tedious to find an ideal browser history spy. If you are tired of trying all those imposters and gimmicks, then you have come to the right place. In this post, we will make you familiar with […]

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